I'm Plazmin! (But my real name is Violet)
Like I said on the main page, i'm a 17 year old trans girl who loves rabbits, WALL-E, and Ginger Ale!
(And if you have a problem with any of those things feel free to leave) I'm also an asexual lesbian.
Just a heads up but most of this blog post is gonna be me rambling about random things I like :)
I'm a really passionate game developer and programmer, and while a lot of my past games aren't things i'm really proud of,
i'm working to improve my skills at any chance I get! (Even if it leads to burnout -.-)
I'm also an aspiring artist, i've been developing my own art style for the past few months which revolves around
having the eyes look like this:

(I don't know how to draw men in this artstyle yet lol)
I started developing it after I drew some fanart of Violxiv.
(You should check out her art she's really cool)
My favorite game of all time is Celeste.
The soundtrack is the most magical sounding thing i've ever listened to, the story and themes changed my life,
and I love it's difficulty. (Also huge props for making it in a custom engine lol)
I also love Mario Kart, so far i've played every single one except for Double Dash. My favorite one currently is Mario Kart Wii,
but that's mainly for nostalgia reasons, and factoring those out would make 8 Deluxe my favorite entry in the series.
A couple years ago, I tried making a fan game for
New Blood Interactive that was influenced by
my love for mario kart, New Blood Kart.
It slowly started growing a team, and I left in late 2022 due to creative differences, and due to reasons I don't know about, the game
was cancelled. However I still have a very strong connection to New Blood and I love every game that they've put out.
I have 2 pet rabbits, Dylan and Olivia. I didn't name them, I kept the names that they were assigned at the shelter. Olivia was named
Olivia because the shelter said that she reminded them of Olivia Benson from Law and Order (I've never seen it but after living with
her for around 2 years I think I can deduce what she's like)

Dylan's the one that looks like an oreo and Olivia is the one that looks like a cinnamon bun :)
I think that's everything that i'd be willing to put in a public blog post...
Thanks for reading! I'll post more stuff on this site later :)